
Showing posts from June, 2023

Write a Letter to Bank Manager for Reversal of Money

 Sample Letter to the Bank Manager : requesting a reversal of money. Write a Letter to request bank to kindly provide me with a refund.

Request Letter Format for Vehicle Loan from Company

 Sample letter of a formal request to the Company for Car/ vehicle loan. write a Vehicle Loan Application Letter template and sample Format.

ATM Card Blocked in ATM Machine Letter Format

 Sample Format for writing application letter to Blocked ATM card in ATM Machine . Write a Letter to Bank Regarding ATM Card Block in ATM Machine.

Application for ATM Card Stuck in ATM Machine Letter Format

 ATM Card Stuck in ATM Machine Letter Format. Write An Application Letter to Bank Regarding ATM Card Stuck in ATM Machine in order to inform the bank.

Complaint Letter to Bank for Deduction of Money from ATM

 Money Deducted from ATM: Complaint Letter to Bank Example. Write a sample complaint letter format to bank for deduction of money from ATM.

Complaint Letter to Bank for a Refund of Money from a failed Online Transaction

 Letter requesting a refund for failed online transaction. Tips to write a Complaint Letter to Bank Manager for Refund of Money When Payment Fails.

Sample E-mail to Request a Bank to Refund the Amount

  Sample Letter format for Refund of Amount from Bank. write a request Application letter to bank Manager for refund money with format & example. 

Complaint Letter to Bank Manager for Refund Money

 Tips on how to write Complaint Letter to Bank Manager for Refund Money. Sample Complaint Letter to the Bank Manager: requesting a refund money.